Sunday, June 7, 2015

[ARCHIVE] Preliminary Program Schedule


8:00-8:30 Registration/Sign-in

8:00-8:30 Coffee

8:30-9:00 Welcome/Opening Remarks

9:00-10:00 Keynote Address (replacement)
Global Manga: "Japanese" Comics without Japan?
Casey Brienza (City University London)

10:00-10:20 BREAK

10:20-11:30 Parallel Panel Sessions 1

1.1 Media Events
Moderator: Casey Brienza (City University London)
- The Making of a Media Cause Célèbre: The Iconic, Network, and Field Dimensions of the Biafran War and Famine, Fuyuki Kurasawa (York University)
- The Role of Civic Media in the Age of Risk Society: A Case Study of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, 3.11, 2011, Seio Nakajima (Waseda University)
- News Media Report Grave Human Rights Violations in Eight Countries: A Comparative and Longitudinal Perspective, Joachim J. Savelsberg (University of Minnesota)
- What African Media? Rethinking Research on Representation of Mass Atrocity in African Press, Wahutu j. Siguru (University of Minnesota) 

1.2 Social Media and Minority Groups
Moderator: Junhow Wei (University of Pennsylvania)
- Black Twitter: A Racialized Space in the Public Sphere, Natalie P. Byfield (St. John’s University)
- LOL@Race: Race Humor and Viral Videos in Post-Racial America, Sonita Moss (University of Pennsylvania) 
- On Thursdays We Watch Scandal: An Analysis of IRL Community Ties on Black Twitter, Apryl A. Williams (Texas A&M University) 

1.3 New Media Materialities and Methods 
Moderator: Christine Larson (Stanford University)
- Nolli Maps and the Materialities of Communication, Kenneth M. Kembara (LIM College)
- Hardware and Peopleware: Educational Technology and Embedded Struggles in American High Schools, Randy Lynn (George Mason University)
- Memory Machine: The Internet and the Rise of Micro-Commemoration, Timothy Recuber (Princeton University) 
- Wearable Technology and Woman 2.0, Elizabeth Wissinger (City University of New York, Graduate Center and BMCC)

11:30-11:50 BREAK

11:50-1:00 Parallel Panel Sessions 2

2.1 Publics Spheres and Social Change
Moderator: Matthias Revers (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- The Lady Gaga Brand: Social Identity and Political-Pop Ideology in the Media and Public Sphere, Timothy M. Hoxha (independent)
- The Styrofoam Statehouse: The Creation of Pseudo-Public Spheres in US State Government, Ben Merriman (University of Chicago)
- Contextual Social Capital: Linking the Contexts of Social Media Use to Its Outcomes, Kelly Quinn (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- New Media Technologies as Resources for Social Change, Julie B. Wiest (West Chester University of Pennsylvania)

2.2 Asia, Media, and Political Participation
Moderator: Casey Brienza (City University London)
- A Tale of Two Spheres: The Rise of Microblog-based Political Narrative and the Change of China’s Democratic Communication, Muyang Li (University at Albany, SUNY)
- Cyber-Urban Activism in Malaysia: Lessons from HINDRAF and BERSIH Protest Rallies, Asha Rathina Pandi (National University of Singapore)
- Building Community by Constructing Identity: How South Asian YouTubers Use Social Media to Locate Themselves in Diaspora, Susmita Paul (Williams College)
- Internet Use, Citizen Participation, and Xinfang (Petition): A Multilevel Analysis Based on a Nationwide Survey in China, Yu Xu (University of Southern California) and Yajie Chu (Tsinghua University)

2.3 Entertainment and Inequality
Moderator: Junhow Wei (University of Pennsylvania)
- A Hollywood Jim Crow? Race and Discrimination in Cultural Production, Maryann Erigha (University of Memphis)
- Global Appeal, Diversity Repeal: ​The Avoidance of the Politics of Representation in the Globalizing Market of American Animation, Sophie A. Fajardo (University of Chicago)
- Eating the Other: Investigating Cultural Appropriation within Popular Culture in the Colorblind Age, Aaryn L. Green (University of Cincinnati)
- Reel Inequality: Why and How Hollywood must Diversify, Nancy Wang Yuen (Biola University)

1:00-2:00 LUNCH

2:00-3:10 Parallel Panel Sessions 3

3.1 Cultural Production and Consumption
Moderator: Casey Brienza (City University London)
- From Global to Local: Mapping the Production and Distribution Sectors of Online Game Industry in China, Gejun Huang (University of Texas at Austin)
- Writing the Romance: Emerging Production Practices in Digital-Era Publishing, Christine Larson (Stanford University)
- Gossip Is Good: A Discourse Analysis of a Celebrity Gossip Blog, Evie Psarras (University of Illinois-Chicago)

3.2 Frame Analysis
Moderator: Matthias Revers (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- User‏-‏generated Parody as Negotiation over Meaning: A ‎Typology of Frame Alignment in Musical Renditions, Lillian Boxman-Shabtai (Northwestern University)
- Television as the Storyteller: A Multi-frame Footing Analysis of TVmoji, Xi Cui (Dixie State University)
- The Undying White Frame: Contemporary Media and the Dominant Racial Frame, Frank J. Ortega (Texas A&M University) and Joe R. Feagin (Texas A&M University)

3:10-3:30 BREAK

3:30-4:40 Parallel Panel Sessions 4

4.1 The Body Politic
Moderator: Matthias Revers (Goethe University Frankfurt)
- Addressing the Diversity of Users: An Illustration of Health Websites’ Functional and Perceived Affordances, Esther Brainin (Ruppin Academic Center) and Efrat Neter (Ruppin Academic Center)
- Ethnic Minorities in German Newspapers: A Quantitative Narrative Analysis, Helge-Johannes Marahrens (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
- A Body of Politics: The Pro-Ana & Fat-Acceptance Movements, Deana Rohlinger (Florida State University) and Elyse Claxton (Florida State University)
- The Guilt Gap: Gendered Narratives of Control in ICT Use, Julia Ticona (University of Virginia)

4.2 Self-Presentation, Professionalization, Identity
Moderator: Casey Brienza (City University London)
- Politicians on Talk Shows: Norms and Practices of Interviewing, Laura Loeb (University of California, Los Angeles)
- Leaning in, While Leaning Back: Assessing How Gender Roles in the Workplace Pervade on, Sarah-Rose Marcus (Rutgers University)
- Professional Routinization and Personal Diversity: A Narrative Analysis of Claims to Authority within the Biographical Statements of Traditional Journalists and Political Bloggers, Ian Sheinheit (University at Albany, SUNY)
- Scams and Trash: How Aspiring Reality TV Cast Evaluate Producers’ Legitimacy and Trustworthiness, Junhow Wei (University of Pennsylvania)

4:40-5:00 BREAK

5:00-6:30 Plenary Discussion Panel
The Future of Digital Sociology
Organizer/Moderator: Laura Robinson (Santa Clara University) 
Eszter Hargittai (Northwestern University) 
Saskia Sassen (Columbia University)
Judy Wajcman (LSE) 
James Witte (George Mason University) 

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